Connected cars: What is Car to X technology and how does it work?

Newsroom     23 March 2020     4 min.
Connected cars: What is Car to X technology and how does it work?

Car to X technology is one of the great advances within the automotive sector, so we explain what it consists of and how it works.

Get a higher road safety This is essential for both official bodies and the brands themselves. Therefore, both parties must work together to achieve fewer accidents on the roads and, of course, fewer deaths from traffic accidents.

One of the most advanced techniques in this regard is the Car to X technology, which is concerned with connecting cars to prevent accidents. Before developing it, the question was clear: How can information regarding a sudden danger on the road be transmitted as quickly as possible?

Let's say we're driving along the road and suddenly we find a pothole that could be dangerous or a particularly slippery section. It would be great to be able to warn the cars behind to be especially carefulRight? Well, that’s exactly what Car to X technology does.

Some manufacturers, such as Daimler, have been developing this technology for several years. However, The logical thing is that it does not only work between vehicles of a single brand., but rather something much more global and does not discriminate based on the car's logo.

In addition, this technology is going to gain a lot of importance with the entry of the 5G network in the automotive sector. This new communication language will considerably shorten processes and allow systems such as Car to X function optimally.

How does the Car to X system work?

La Car to X technology The data it collects is sent via the mobile network to a server that processes it and then transmits it to other vehicles. In the event of an unforeseen event, the car's cameras and sensors record the anomalies and analyse them to update the car's navigation map.

For example, if a traffic accident is detected, the first vehicle to pass through picks it up and passes the information to the rest of the vehicles that are going to pass through the same stretch. In this way, Drivers will be warned and can be prepared in the event of an incident.

In addition to working with the car's cameras, sensors and mobile network, the Car to X communication works in conjunction with the vehicle's own safety assistants. Therefore, depending on the situation detected or received, it could act on the electronic stability control, the rain or light sensors or the emergency service calls.Audi Networks With Traffic Lights In Düsseldorf

Car to X will allow vehicles to talk to traffic lights

Another interesting fact is that lVehicles equipped with this technology can communicate with traffic lightsIn this way, the car will inform the driver whether it is possible to pass the next green traffic light without exceeding the speed limit.

If you don't make it, the vehicle itself will offer you a countdown with the time remaining until the light turns green. This way, the driver will be able to manage the space left in a better way and thus take their foot off the accelerator sooner, which will help reduce the risk of accidents. It can even save you fuel.. We already told you about this technology, and we are telling you How Audi connects its cars to traffic lights.

Another of the applications in which It can be especially useful in parking lots.In this case, the vehicle itself would inform the rest of the public when it leaves a space, so the tedious process of finding a space to put the car in the typical crowded shopping centre would be much more bearable thanks to Car to X technology. Without a doubt, all this brings us one step closer to Future of mobility: autonomous driving.

Therefore, advances like this will make road safety improve considerably. However, there is no need to be careful with so much technology, as it has already been proven that New multimedia systems can reduce driving safety even more than alcohol or cannabis.

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